I want to tell you about my visit to Richter’s in December 2011. Richter’s are located in Goodwood, about an hour from Toronto by car. Goodwood is on Highway 47 just before Uxbridge. I don’t have a car anymore so I went by Go Bus. As a senior I paid $ 10.90 return fare. The Go Bus stops in front of Richters between Goodwood and Uxbridge. However on the way back you need to catch the bus in Goodwood or Uxbridge. The people at Richters were nice
enough to drive me back to Goodwood where I had lunch in this amazing restaurant. The restaurant also sells all kinds of frozen pies and lovingly preserved jams, jellies and pickles in jars.Amazing variety but expensive and without a cooler or car frozen unbaked pies are not good to transport.

Anyway, back to Richter’s. They have a very large greenhouse and sell mostly herb plants, but also herb seeds,
dried medicinal herbs and teas. I spent a lot of money on seeds even though I don’t have a garden anymore
I am a volunteer at the Daily Bread Foodbank garden and starting this spring I will be sharing a backyard with a
couple of friends. I liked the endless selection of seeds as well as the suggested combinations such as:
Culinary Herb Garden
Lemon Balm, Chervil, Chives, Dill, Marjoram, Oregano,
Sage, Savory , Sorrel, Sweet Basil and Thyme.
Tea Time Herb Garden
Anise-Hyssop, Lemon Balm , Chamomile, Mint, and Bergamot
There are more combinations for Herbs de Provence,
Butterfly Garden, Asian Herb Garden etc.

Of interest free seminars:
Urban Sprawl – Feb. 12, 1.pm. Free
Herbal Infusions Apr 22 1.p.m. Free
Lotions, Potions and Creams Apr. 29, 1.p.m
Boreal Herbal, May 5, 1.pm. free****this sounds really

Hope this info was useful