Winter in the garden is for books! We have time to read and dream and plan for spring.
Here are some inspiring titles.
All available at the Toronto Public Library.

“Native pollinators don’t always get the credit they are due for the pollination services they provide. Bumble bee pollination of blueberries creates twice as much fruit as honey bee pollination; native bees account for 90 percent of pollination of watermelons; and native bee pollination improves fruit production in apples and tomatoes. Suash and gouds are best pollinated by two species of native squash bees. Blue orchard mason bees are incredible pollinators of apples and almonds, compared to 15,000 to 20,000 foraging honey bees. Research is under way to diversify almond pollination with these native bees, which is currently completely done using honey bees.”
Examples of native flowers pollinated by native bees:
- giant hyssops
- garlics, onions
- milkweeds
- wild indigos
- prarie clovers
- sunflowers

With special care and attention to the plight of pollinators, including honeybees, bumblebees, and solitary bees, and what we can do to help them, Strawbridge Howard shares fascinating details of the lives of flora and fauna that have filled her days with ever-increasing wonder and delight.

Beverly, Massachusetts : Quarry Books, 2017
A brief, but colorful history of mushroom hunting worldwide; how to get equipped for a mushroom foray; a completely illustrated guide to the common wild edible mushrooms and their poisonous look-alikes — where to find them, how to identify them, and more; how to prepare and serve the fruits of your foray, plus more than 30 delicious recipes; plus, dozens of colorful, priceless anecdotes from living the mushroom lifestyle
Tomato: a global history Cabbage: a global history Potato: a global history
A Global history series is a great series of small format, illustrated books introducing the reader to the origins, history, ancient recipes and more, of the chosen vegetable in this case: tomato, cabbage and potato. These books are fun entertainment as well as very informative.
The way through the woods: of mushrooms and mourning by Long Litt Woon A victory garden for trying times by Debi Goodwin
Both The way through the woods by Long Litt Woon and A victory garden for trying times by Debi Goodwin are wonderful, personal narratives of how nature (mushroom picking and gardening respectively) played a big role in the lives of both women. Writing these beautiful stories helped the authors, it may as well help you, dear reader. They will inform and entertain and fill you with awe in face of always helpful Nature.
Terrarium: 33 glass gardens to make your own by Anna Bauer Hanging Kokedama by Coraleigh Parker
For those of you who love bringing nature indoors these two gorgeous books offer detail advice on how to create indoor plant displays that bring joy to eyes and hearts.
You can borrow any of the books at the Toronto Public Library
— posted by Dorota Rajewska