We have been admiring these two pretty plants that appeared in our garden until we were able to identify them as poisonous and invasive species.

Do not hesitate to remove them if you see them in your garden!
Here is some more information about the two unwanted species.
Jimson Weed.
All parts of this plant is poisonous including flower, leaf and seeds.
Angel Tulip, Chasse-Taupe, Datura, Datura inermis, Datura lurida, Datura Officinal, Datura Parviflora, Datura stramonium, Datura tatula, Devil’s Apple, Devil’s Trumpet, Endormeuse, Estramonio, Herbe du Diable, Herbe aux Magiciens, Herbe aux Sorciers, Herbe aux Taupes, Higuera del Diablo, Jamestown Weed, Locoweed, Mad-apple, Man Tao Luo, Nightshade, Peru-apple, Pomme Épineuse, Pomme Poison, Pommette Féroce, Stinkweed, Stinkwort, Stramoine, Stramoine Commune, Stramonium, Thorn-apple, Trompette des Anges, Trompette de la Mort, Yiang Jin Hua.
Jimson weed is UNSAFE when taken by mouth or inhaled. It is poisonous and can cause many toxic effects including dry mouth and extreme thirst, vision problems, nausea and vomiting, fast heart rate, hallucinations, high temperature, seizures, confusion, loss of consciousness, breathing problems, and death. The deadly dose for adults is 15-100 grams of leaf or 15-25 grams of the seeds.
Velvet Leaf
This is not poisonous
What is Velvet Leaf?
This pesky plant is a member of the mallow family, which also includes desirable plants such as hibiscus, hollyhock and cotton. An upright annual weed that can reach heights of 7 feet, velvetleaf is named for the huge, heart-shaped leaves, which are covered with fine, velvety hair. The thick stems are also covered with hair. Clusters of small, five-petaled flowers appear in late summer. Controlling Velvetleaf Plants Velvetleaf weed control is a long-term project because one plant creates thousands of seeds, which remain viable in the soil for an incredible 50 to 60 years. Cultivation of the soil may seem like a good solution, but it only brings seeds to the surface where they are able to germinate readily. However, it’s a good idea to mow the plants while they’re small to prevent them from going to seed. Rapid response is key, and eventually, you’ll gain the upper hand.