May 8th to May 30th 2021!
Each week ( or even each day!!!) New plants will be donated by neighbhours and gardeners at these locations and you can come by and pick up your favourites!
First come, first serve.
While quantities last.
5 locations — 3 weeks of plants!
The way it works:
You bring a plant / take a plant!
The plant varieties will keep changing.
LEGS Spring Plant Exchange runs from Sat., May 8 till Sunday, May 30
depending on individual locations.
Donate to support our Community based group!
Etransfer Donations accepted at:
If you can: donate a few extra plants to LEGS. Drop off at a location near you. See Below.
Some people to not have plants to donate, so they make a small donation to LEGS instead. (above) That is why we really need extra plants.
Please see what you can spare from your garden, to help us out!
If you need plants that you are donating to be picked up, or have any questions, send us an email to and we will make arrangements and answer any questions that you may have.
Where the plants are:
Location 1
The Healing Muse Apothecary – ECO HUB 2859 Lakeshore Blvd West
Will have plants sitting outside the shop for daily pick up
Plant drop off times:
Monday – Saturday
9.00am – 5.00pm
Plant Exchange times:
Tuesday to Saturday 10am-5pm
Sample plants coming up:
strawberry plants, feverfew, chives, seedling red cabbage, seedling basil.
Location 2
Plant overnight storage and drop off for LEGS:
The Sanderson’s
76 Hillside Ave, Etobicoke, ON M8V 1S9
Plants can be dropped off anytime
Larger donations:
of plants LEAVE AT front door (OF 76 Hillside)
and then WE can gradually put out plants on the church lawn… to spread the love!
Plant Exchange Location:
Picnic Tables @ Mimico Baptist Church
😯 Hillside Ave, Etobicoke, ON M8V1S9
Plant Exchange times:
Monday to Friday -8:30a.m. to sunset
Sample plants coming up:
Location 3
Longbranch —- Anna
30 Park Blvd, Etobicoke M8W 1G7
Plants drop off:
on Friday 14th May.
Plant Exchange times:
Saturday start day 15th May – noon to 4.00pm
Location 4
Alderwood — Julie
99 Foch Avenue Etobicoke M8W 3X9
Plant drop off: the week of 3rd of May
Plant Exchange times:
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10-1pm
Early plants up for grabs:
wild columbine, tiger lilies and some sedum.
Location 5
Longbranch —- Gary & Donna
7 Lake Promenade Etobicoke M8V 2G6
Plant drop off:
Any Friday before the Saturday
Plant Exchange times:
Saturday 10.00am – 2.00pm
#legsetobicoke #plantexchange #etobicokegarden #seedlibrary #seedexchange #etobicoke #havelegswillgarden