Tuesday, November 21st, 2023 – 6:30pm

Our fall garden meeting is about garden boulevards – are they right for your city garden?

plant a boulevard garden and learn with LEGS at our monthly garden meeting

Let’s talk about naturalizing the neighbhourhood, increasing plant diversity, creating natural habitats for wildlife and beautifying our streets. Garden Boulevards are the hot topic this November.

Learn more about “Boulevard Gardens” at our monthly LEGS get-together!


South Etobicoke is home to many streets with boulevard green spaces. These are the grassy spaces between the sidewalk and road. Also called “Hellscapes”.

November Boulevard Gardens:

This is a great time of year to plan one out. Come learn how to do it.


Tuesday, NOVEMBER 21ST, 2023
6:30-8 pm


Long Branch Library, 3500 Lake Shore Blvd. W. (just west of 30th St.)

Several presenters (our own LEGS members!) will talk about how and why to turn these areas into more beautiful and beneficial garden spaces, by using flowers, native plants and more. Boulevard gardens can be tucked into just about any corner of your front property.

Reasons to plant a boulevard garden:

  • Increase the number of nectar- and pollen-rich flowers native to the area.
  • Plant a variety of native species to provide food and habitat throughout the year.
  • Create native habitat corridors to enable pollinator movement, promoting genetic resilience and species diversity.
  • Replace high maintenance turfgrass along boulevards with low maintenance native boulevard gardens.
  • Beautify streetscapes meaningfully.
  • Connect neighbourhoods to nature.

Even the city of Toronto is on board with beautifying the grassy ‘hellscapes’ into beautiful habitats, see for yourself here.

Garden Boulevards November this month is all about planning your next garden project with grassy lands called hellscapes

garden boulevard in the making

fall teas at tatsus bakery for sale


We will also be selling our own LEGS herbal tea mixes ($5 per bag) and herb mixes ($2 per package)- cash only, please.  Stock up for the holidays!  

As usual, 50% of the proceeds from these sales will go to the Daily Bread Food Bank, where our herb gardens and community garden are located.

Don’t miss this exciting and informative meeting!  Hope to see you there!

Join our fall garden meetings to learn, share and grow.

All are welcome.
You can finally ask all of your questions about starting your every own garden boulevard.